Our Church
The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is made up of disciples who welcome everyone and follow Jesus in hope, love, joy, and peace. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means that we welcome everyone, regardless of their background, age, race, gender, and ability levels. God says to come as you are, and we completely agree.
We love to have God’s children of all ages in worship, so please bring the whole family. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Pastor Lynne O'Shea received her Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC. Her favorite parts of ministry are walking with people through the joys and sorrows of life, preaching, teaching, and leading worship. Pastor Lynne has previously served congregations in Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas. She has also worked as a volunteer for a hospice, and is active in disaster response ministry.
Mary has served as a church musician in Savannah for 12 years and has been a music teacher in the public school system for 16 years. She graduated from Georgia Southern University with a bachelor's degree in music education with an emphasis on choral music and is finishing up her master's degree in choral conducting and music education, expecting to graduate in May 2024.
Jodi has played an active role in the life of Redeemer for 30+ years. A graphic designer by trade, she uses her skills for the church’s benefit. Jodi cares for Redeemer by actively commun-
icating and coordinating with the pastor, our members, our committees along with the community.
Christian Education
Redeemer is dedicated to growing the Christian education of its members, young and old.
Bible Study is held at 6:30 each Thursday evening to explore the readings for the coming Sunday. There is a lively discussion and lots of learning as we dig deep and share our insights.
All are welcome!
(All Learning Our Faith Together)
After worship on Sunday mornings, this interactive group of all ages meets to explore Bible stories through discussion, crafts, songs, or whatever fits the story or theme that day.
Everyone is invited to share in the fun of learning!
One week a year we offer the opportunity for children to come together to have fun and learn about Jesus.
Congregational Life
Every church must attend to its own "family" of members and it is this commission's task to keep Redeemer working together as a joyful, playful, and resourceful Christian family.
Members of the congregation and friends in the community gather for fun and fellowship at various events. These include Second Sunday Brunch, Friday Fun Night, Wednesday dinners during Advent and Lent, our church softball team, and other special events.
Part of our call as Christians is to extend hospitality to one another and to our neighbors. We do this by providing coffee and snacks after church on Sundays, hosting Second Sunday brunches, and inviting the community to be part of events such as Rally Day, the Blessing of the Animals, and the Ascension Day worship and cookout. We are always planning something and would love to welcome you to the team that puts these events together!
The Care Team visits with members who are in the hospital, in assisted living, or confined to their home. The team provides prayer and ongoing connection with our church family
The Men's Group gathers monthly at a local restaurant for an evening meal and fellowship. This group engages in service with various ministries, such as raising money to buy school uniforms and supplies for refugee children.
This group meets monthly to enjoy fellowship, Bible study, and engages in a variety of ministries including the education of young women in Guatemala.
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. Read the full story of how we got started, grown and continue to do God’s work.
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