The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is an inclusive congregation of disciples who follow Jesus in hope, love, joy, and peace. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means that we welcome everyone, regardless of their background, age, race, gender, and ability levels. Redeemer’s worship service features traditional Lutheran liturgy with Holy Communion, as well as a message for children and the Young at Heart, and music in a variety of styles. Additional services take place on Wednesday evenings during Advent and Lent. We love to have God’s children of all ages in worship, so please bring the whole family. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Sunday Worship Service…..at 10:00 am
Ash Wednesday Service....March 5 at 6:30 pm
This service marks the beginning of Lent, a season of penitence, reflection, and preparation for Easter. The imposition of ashes will be given.
Wednesday Lent Services....March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9 at 6:30 pm
Join us weekly on Wednesdays throughout this solemn season as we take time for personal reflection and prepare for Easter.
Stream Our Services Online
If you can’t worship with us in person, watch us live Sunday mornings on Facebook at 10:00 am
Missed a Sunday service? No problem. You can watch Redeemer’s worship services anytime.
Music is a major part of our worship experience. All who are interested are invited to participate.
The Adult Choir meets weekly to practice and prepare anthems that will be sung on Sundays. No previous experience is necessary—just the desire to make a joyful noise to the Lord! All are welcome.
The Handbell Choir meets weekly for rehearsal and provides special music during worship each month. There is no experience required. Training will be provided.
All Rights Reserved | Lutheran Church of the Redeemer