Outreach Ministries
In conjunction with Second Harvest Food Bank, volunteers pack dozens of bags weekly with food for weekend meals and deliver them to local schools for children in need. Donations are gratefully accepted, and all are welcome to help with packing!
Our members gather food for the local food pantry and holiday gifts for underprivileged children through the Angel Tree. We also host an annual Red Cross Blood Drive, Lifeline Screenings, and participate in the churchwide God’s Work, Our Hands day of service.
In 2013, Redeemer’s women’s group designed and constructed a beautiful meditation labyrinth on our property. Its purpose is to bring us closer with nature to worship God, and find healing, wholeness, and peace. It is open for all to experience.
Columbarium and Memorial Garden
“For I am sure that neither death nor life ... nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
- Romans 8:38-39
The Columbarium and Memorial Garden has been created as a resting place for the ashes of loved ones. The Columbarium is a place of dignity and peace suitable for quiet reflection, meditation and prayer.
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